Saturday, November 23, 2013


When you are looking for something to do other than visit the local bars, consider looking for some cultural events around Heidelberg. The Kulturfenster is a small, nonprofit center that provides affordable access to music, art, and fun. The Kulturfenster is located on a side street (Kirchstraße). The building is small, but has a cozy and welcoming atmosphere. The outside of the building is lit up by colorful lights and lanterns. The interior is colorfully decorated with works of art and posters of upcoming musical performances. There is even a small bar that offers drinks and snacks for your enjoyment between performances. The staff at the Kulturfenster are friendly, helpful, and always have a warm smile on their faces.
The Kulturfenster has musical performances from bands all over the world. Recently, it featured the music of Beoga, an Irish folk music band. Beoga is known all over the world and has received wonderful reviews from influential newspapers, like the Wall Street Journal. It only costs 14€ to see world renown bands such as Beoga. You certainly get your money's worth. Musical performances last anywhere from two and a half to three hours. There are new musical performances every other week or so. From Latin music to Classical performances, the Kulturfenster has music for all tastes.
If you are looking for something to keep you busy, the Kulturfenster has workshops ranging from how to parkour to advanced graffiti production. The workshops are generally very affordable and usually cost 20€ or less. The workshops are a great way to keep busy and meet great people. And if poetry is more of your niche, the Kulturfenster has frequent Poetry Slams featuring local, young and upcoming poets. The atmosphere at the Poetry Slams is energetic and fun. It's definitely worth a try even if you're not an enthusiastic poetry lover. And if you are a musician who wants to showcase your music, the Kulturfenster has plenty of opportunities to get up on stage and perform your work. There are frequent open stage nights at the Kulturfenster and you can even book a night exclusively for your band to play. The Kulturfenster is definitely a place to check out when you are looking for something different and fun.

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